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As a full blockchain, we've set up a number of services and products to fulfill the needs of the blockchain, its users, and its developers. We will also try to onboard as many other useful projects that will provide important services for the ShiftZone citizens. In addition, we want to onboard other projects from different people to provide more services for the community.
"SHIFTPOINT" - This is ShiftZone's Web3 Gaming Community Platform
"DRAGONHOARD" WALLET - The native custom multi-chain crypto-wallet.
THE PIAZZA (DEX)- ShiftZone's decentralized exchange is where users and developers can exchange and manage their crypto-tokens.
STAKING FACILITY - Owners of Zonium can stake their coins and tokens for a time to earn rewards.
"MEMENTOS" - Mementos is ShiftZone's NFT Marketplace where you can buy, trade, or auction NFTs.
SHIFTZONE LABS - Shiftzone Labs is the blockchain development group of the ShiftZone blockchain.
DREAMLORDS DIGITAL - Dreamlords Digital is the official game development studio of ShiftZone.