Graywalkers: Genesis is the improved remake of Graywalkers Purgatory, a game we released as an early access title on Steam in late January 2020, 1 month before the Covid lockdown began. Since then, we've expanded and improved the game from what it was at its release.

Like its predecessor, Graywalkers Genesis is a Turn-based Tactics Strategy RPG. The game is set in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world where Heaven and Hell were forcibly merged with Earth due to a cataclysmic event called the Rupture. This event catapulted a part of Heaven and chunks of Hell from different layers and weakened the barrier between the spiritual and the physical. This brought the holy war of that has raged for eons to the very doorsteps of humanity.

You play as the prophesied leader of The 36, individuals who have been chosen by destiny to be the protectors of humanity. Your goal is to gather these heroes and fight to reclaim the world from the supernatural for humanity.


As part of our strategy within Dreamlords Digital, we aim to release Graywalkers Genesis on multiple platforms:

  • PC (Windows, Mac, Linux) - We plan to release on digital markets such as Steam, Epic, GoG and others.

  • Console - Console development will follow after the PC version is released

  • Web3 - We plan to release a Web3 Version of the game. It will be released on Dreamlords Digital's own Layer 1 Gaming Blockchain called ShiftZone.


Graywalkers Genesis was built via a proprietary sub-game engine we call the Dream RPG System. It was built on top of Unity to allow us to focus on the core new features we wanted. Currently, the game is made to make any kind of Turn-based RPGs but eventually, this will be expanded to include Action RPGs as well.

  • The Character Editor allows non-coders to work on the game's content development directly. Users can build any content via a simple system wherein they choose and link various data to what they are building. This means new content can be created on the fly and is automatically integrated into the game.

  • The Map Editor allows


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