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There are several type of NFT Character Collections that we will be releasing. These are:

  • GRAYWALKERS - these are the various Graywalkers you can recruit to fill out your team. The first collection will feature about 20 characters. There will be a 2nd collection that will release an additional 20 more characters as well in the succeeding months to come.

  • AVATARS - these NFTs will serve as your custom character's avatar in game if you decide to create your own Avatar. This NFT will determine how you generally look in game such as your in-game character, your character portraits and your conversation image.

  • ALLIES & VILLAINS - these NFTs will be from the other characters in the game such as the various NPC allies and enemy villains and creatures you may encounter in the game. These collection however is specifically for PVP arena only. They cannot be used in the Mission and Survival Mode.

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