Martial artists and monks are character classes that are often associated with physical combat and spiritual discipline. While the specific details of these classes may vary depending on the game or system being used, they are generally portrayed as characters who are skilled in unarmed combat and use a combination of physical techniques and mental discipline to achieve their goals.

Martial artists are often portrayed as fighters who specialize in close-quarters combat using their fists, feet, and other parts of their body as weapons. They may be trained in a specific style of martial arts, such as karate or kung fu, or may have developed their own unique fighting style. In addition to their combat abilities, martial artists may also possess heightened senses, increased agility, and other physical attributes that allow them to navigate the battlefield more effectively.

Monks, on the other hand, are often portrayed as characters who have dedicated themselves to a life of spiritual and physical discipline. They may live in monasteries or other secluded communities, spending years in meditation and training to master their abilities. In addition to their unarmed combat abilities, monks may also possess supernatural powers or abilities that allow them to perform miraculous feats or resist the effects of magic.

Overall, martial artists and monks are often popular choices for players who enjoy playing characters that combine physical prowess with mental discipline and spiritual beliefs. They offer a unique playstyle that can be both challenging and rewarding, and can be effective in a variety of combat situations.

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