Half-werewolves, also known as werewolves hybrids, are a fictional race often found in fantasy and horror-themed games and literature. They are typically depicted as the offspring of a werewolf and a human or another humanoid race.

Like their werewolf parent, half-werewolves are often depicted as having the ability to transform into a wolf-like creature, gaining enhanced senses, strength, speed, and regenerative abilities. However, as they are only half-werewolf, they may not have full control over their transformation or abilities, especially during times of emotional distress or under the influence of a full moon.

In terms of gameplay, half-werewolves may be presented as a playable race with unique abilities and traits. For example, they may have increased strength and agility in their werewolf form, but may be more vulnerable to silver or certain types of magic. Depending on the game or story, they may also have the ability to partially shift, allowing them to access some of their werewolf abilities without fully transforming.

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