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Skills play a crucial role in the Weavemaster system, and as such, the skill system is quite intricate. While some skills can be used without any skill points, others are entirely inaccessible without the skill. Certain skills have related skills that can be defaulted to, but with penalties. For instance, if a character lacks the rifle skill but has the pistol skill, they can still use the pistol with a penalty when attempting to use a rifle.

Moreover, each base skill rank is capped by a character's level, but this limit can be exceeded with abilities that boost the skill level. For example, a character with a skill-boosting ability can push their active skill level to seven, even if their level only allows up to five ranks.

Weavemaster provides a comprehensive list of general skills that characters can acquire, with each skill's related attributes listed in parenthesis.


During character creation, you can acquire skills. Depending on your path, you will have what they call Path Skills and General Skills. You will also have some starting skills based on that path as well. These skills you get for free. You can advanced these using skill points.

  • Path Skills - these skills are included on your Path Skill list. This means you can purchase these skills at 1 Skill Point Each per Rank. Take note that you can never purchase more skills than your current Rank.

General Skills - these are skills open to you but cost double the normal cost. So these would cost you 2 SKill Points each if the desired skill is not in your path list.


This is the number of Skill Points you have when creating your character. Your starting Skill Point Pool is equal to 5 Skill points. You also get additional skill points based on your Intellect Bonus. This is added to the total .

For example, you are Level 1 and you have an Intellect of 6 (+3 Bonus). This means you will have a total of 5 + 3 Skill Points totalling to 8 Starting Skill Points in your Pool.

Every time you level up, you will gain additional skill points equal to 5 points + Intellect Bonus


  • Acrobatics (Agility) - this allows the character do acrobatic stunts and maneuvers such as flips, dives, rolls and tumbles. You are also adpet at keepign your balance under difficult situations.

  • Animal Handling (Agility, Presence) - allows you to know how to properly handle most domestic animals and have enough knowledge how to deal with those that are not. Also includes skill in riding creature mounts.

  • Arcana (Intellect, Willpower) - determines your capability in spellcasting and knowledge of the arcane or occult.

  • Athletics (Might, Agility, Physique) - used when performing physical activities such as running, climbing, jumping, swimming and similar activities

  • Chemistry - this includes the knowledge regarding the properties and behavior of matter in all its forms, its elements and compounds. Also includes the practical application of these to create and convert the material into products.

  • Computers (Intellect, Awareness) - skill in the use and manipulation of computer devices. Includes also the ability to build, code, program and hack computerized devices

  • Creativity (Awareness, Presence) - this includes your ability to skillfully create objects of art in various forms such as drawings, paintings, sculptures, writing and so forth.

  • Demolitions (Awareness, Agility) - allows you to use, prepare, handle and even disarm explosive devices.

  • Divinity (Awareness, Intellect, Willpower) - skill in the use of prayers and divine spells. Also includes knowledge of divine entities and information

  • Dodge - this is the skill in avoiding getting hit by an attack. You have trained yourself to not get hit. When you are attacked, you can dodge an attack as an active action or reaction to avoid the attack.

  • Domestic (Might, Agility) - this covers your skill in the more practical domestic and household activities such as cooking, cleaning,

  • Drive (Agility, Awareness) - You can properly use ground vehicle and drive them skilfully. You also have some basic knowledge of maintenance and repair of basic issues.

  • Earth Science (Intellect) - knowledge and skill regarding Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology and others.

  • Electronics (Intellect, Awareness) - this includes knowledge regarding electricity and electrons and its practical uses in the repair and creation of electronic technology

  • Engineering (Intellect, Awareness) -

  • Espionage - this is your ability to analyze existing information and use it to gain more information through those clues. It also allows you to investigate situations and allow you to predict or assess what might come next

  • Logic (Intellect, Awareness) - this skill covers all manner of formal sciences such as mathematics, logic, statistics and other relevant skills.

  • Mechanics (Intellect, Awareness) - this includes the knowledge, designing, repair and creating of mechanical systems and objects.

  • Medicine (Intellect, Awareness) - Allows you to heal people using knowledge about the body and using skillful techniques to remove ailments and cure people. It also other topics related to life sciences such as biology, zoology, genetics, neuroscience and others.

  • Perception (Intellect, Awareness) - this is your skill to passively or actively notice and see things around you, including the details. It also allows you to search actively for things you want to find.

  • Perform (Awareness, Presence) - this governs your ability to act, sing, dance and providing entertainment to an audience.

  • Persuasion (Awareness, Presence) - this is your ability to communicate properly and convince people of what you want such as fast-talk, negotiation and intimidation.

  • Physical Sciences - choose one of the sciences that is your specialization. This allows you to have the knowledge of that science and apply it to real world scenarios.

  • Pilot (Agility, Awareness) - this is your ability to fly an air vehicle such as a plane or a helicopter. It includes the ability to read instruments and others.

  • Sail (Agility, Physique) - allows you to use water vehicles properly as well as provide knowledge about the different types of water vehicles.

  • Science (Intellect) - this is the knowledge about all the different sciences. You are required to eventually get a specialization in this skill.

  • Sneak (Agility, Awareness) - You are skilled at avoiding detection and are able to move quietly without being heard or seen.

  • Society (Presence, Intellect) - this is your skill in knowing about the social sciences, as well as knowing how to fit and function within societies and organization. This includes sciences such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, archeology and relevant topics.

  • Subterfuge (Presence, Intellect) - this is your skill on deception, obfuscation or simply the ability to resist being read

  • Survival (Intellect, Willpower) - the skill of living off the land, adapting to various types of natural environments, and the knowledge to survive in various settings

  • Tech - this is a person's ability to use technology in any of its forms be they modern or advanced in form.

Thievery (Intellect, Agility, Awareness) - this covers your ability to do various types of thieving activities such as pick pocketing, lock picking, palming, sleight of hand and safecracking.


Here is the list of weapon and combat skills you can learn. Each skill governs your use with that specific weapon type.


  • Unarmed Combat - this is used when you are not using any weapons and your weapon is your body itself. There are however some weapons that can be considered under Unarmed Combat because they simply enhance the effect without changing how they fight. Examples are Brass Knuckles, Gauntlets, etc) This also used when using close combat powers that require touch.

  • Edged - this includes skill in all manner of blades such as short blades, light blades, one-handed blades, or 2 handed blades.

  • Axe - this includes skill in the use of ax-type weapons be they small, one-handed or two-handed.

  • Blunt - this covers blunt weapons of all types such as one-handed ones like maces and clubs or two-handed blunt weapons like staves or mauls and the like.

  • Polearm - weapons that have the main part of the weapon at the tip of long shafts are used with this skill such as spears, halberds, poleaxes and similar


  • Thrown - these are normally light weapons designed to be thrown such as shurikens, throwing knives, or sometimes even just rocks.

  • Projectile - sometimes called missile weapons. It includes weapons such as bows, crossbows, and slingshots

  • Pistol - these include all manner of handguns from holdouts to light pistols and even to the heavy ones that chamber large caliber pistol rounds.

  • SMG - this skill covers firearms that are normally small carbine sizes but fires pistol rounds

  • Shotgun - the skill includes the use of any weapon that fires a shotshell such as break-action, lever-action, pump-action, semi-auto, or fully automatic.

  • Rifle - any long-barrelled firearm designed for accurate shooting will b used with the rifle skill including bolt-action, lever-action, semi-auto and sniper rifles.

  • Assault Rifle - any modern rifle built with selective auto fire (semi, burst, or auto) will be considered under the Assault Rifle skill when being used.

  • Machine Gun - when using an auto-firing weapon designed for sustained direct fire with high-caliber ammo such as LMGs, MMGs, and heavy machine guns.

  • Launcher - this includes the use of grenade launchers, rocket launchers, flamethrowers and missile launchers.

Power Use - this is the skill on how to properly use your power. Without the skill, your ability to use your powers is based on raw attributes. With this skill, you have trained on how to properly apply your particular power. This is mostly releveant to active power use rather than passive ones.

Characters can specialize within their skills. The player can choose 1 specialization. That player will be better at that particular skill at the cost of being less in others. The choices for specialization are mentioned in the particular skill itself.

When a character specializes, the chosen specialization gets a bonus of +3 when using it. When using the skill with non-specialized aspects of the skill, the ability gets a -3.

For example, a character with Pistol 5 takes a specialization with Revolvers. His skill to use revolvers increases by 3 while his ability to use all other kinds of Pistols are reduced by 3.

A character has to have at least Rank 5 in a skill before he can get specialization.

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