Graywalkers Genesis is an exciting role-playing game with tons of features that will make it stand out. With its unique blend of combat, resource management, and interactive storytelling, the game offers a thrilling and immersive gameplay experience for fans of strategy games and RPGs alike.

  • MULTIPLE GAME MODES - Play different types of gameplay modes and experience various aspects of the Graywalkers Metaverse.

  • REAL-TIME MOVEMENT - In all of the various game modes, players can move their characters in real-time, allowing them to travel easily across the various play maps. The game only stops being real-time when a combat encounter is triggered.

  • STRATEGY MANAGEMENT - manage your team, resources, crafting, personnel improvements, equipment, and more.

  • TURN-BASED TACTICAL COMBAT - When combat occurs, the game transitions from real-time and then becomes turn-based. All characters in the combat gain an initiative rating and this determines who acts first. Each character makes their own actions until they have no more actions or points to act. They then pass it to the next character to act, until all characters are done with their turn.

  • ACTION UNIT BASED - Each character has an Action Unit Pool and can spend these to perform actions during their turn. Each type of action from movement to attacks and use of special abilities all have Action Unit Cost. Doing that action consumes the action point and you can do as many actions as long as you have the Action Unit point to fulfill it.

  • CUSTOMIZED AVATAR CHARACTER - Each player can create their own custom avatar character. The player will be able to customize their portrait, race, path, attributes, skills, abilities, and equipment to their own choice.

    • 8 Races - choose from Human, Dhampir, Wolfkin, Nephilim, Cambion, Alchemus, Faechilde, and Hunterborne.

    • 10 Character Paths - choose from the Agent, Arcanist, Armsman, Martialist, Diviner, Soldier, Survivor, Slayer, Scout, and Tech.

    • Over 30+ Skills - learn a mix of non-combat and combat skills to round out your character

    • Hundreds of Abilities - choose and acquire from hundreds of available abilities.

    • Thousands of Gear - gather weapons, armor, and accessories from thousands of equipment choices.

  • 50+ RECRUITABLE CHARACTERS - Aside from one's avatar character, players can have characters they can recruit in-game or purchase as NFTs. There are initially 50+ characters to choose from. Choose how each of these characters grows and improves as they level up in the game.

  • TABLE-TOP-LIKE RPG SYSTEM - The game is powered by the Weavemaster RPG system, a unique game system created to embody a highly detailed style of RPG play. This helps the game feel like a tabletop game when played.

  • CRAFTING - players can craft all manner of gear such as weapons, armor, accessories, consumables, and others. To craft, the player must meet all the requirements of the item being made such as Level, Materials, and Formula. These components are needed to make these items which are usable in the game.

  • HUNDREDS OF ENEMIES - Encounter hundreds of variations of enemies from a large collection of supernatural creatures, as well as those from various factions.

  • GEAR - find and gather thousands of gear and their variations. Choose from weapons, armor, accessories, consumables, and more

Do take note though that all gameplay features are still subject to change. Expect some changes, especially after major testing periods.

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