Attributes in games are the basic numerical values or statistics that define a character's inherent abilities, such as strength, intelligence, agility, or endurance. These attributes can affect a character's performance in various aspects of gameplay, such as combat, exploration, or interaction with the game world.

Attributes can be chosen or assigned during character creation and may increase or decrease throughout the game through various means, such as leveling up or equipping certain items. Some games may also have secondary or derived attributes, which are calculated from the base attributes and represent more specific aspects of a character's abilities, such as attack power, accuracy, or critical hit chance.

Attributes are an important part of character customization and progression in many games, allowing players to create characters that suit their preferred playstyle and providing a sense of growth and improvement as characters develop over time.

These attributes are divided into two kinds.



Each character has several primary attributes. These attributes affect every aspect of his skills and abilities.


Primary abilities have scores from 1 up to a maximum of 30 for player characters. Each stat will start with at least 1 in that attribute. You will then have about 30 points to distribute.


An attribute bonus is what is the practical application and result of your attribute scores. Normally, an attribute bonus is half of the attribute score (round down).

Sometimes, a derived attribute will require you to get the average of several attribute bonuses. You just add them together and divide them by the number of attributes involved. For example,


  • MIGHT - Might measure physical strength, affecting a character's carrying capacity, ability to hit and deal damage in melee or thrown attacks, and sometimes required to equip certain weapons or items.

  • AGILITY - Agility measures a character's physical coordination and reflexes. it also measures their dexterity such as fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, both important for activities such as dodging, acrobatics, stealth, ranged attacks, lockpicking, and pickpocketing.

  • PHYSIQUE - Physique measures a character's overall health, vitality, and physical toughness, increasing maximum hit points, resistance to poison and disease, reducing negative effects of fatigue and exhaustion, and improving skills like Athletics and Endurance, while a low score can leave the character more vulnerable to damage and negative effects. It is important for characters who engage in combat or physically demanding activities.

  • INTELLECT - Intellect is an attribute that measures a character's mental abilities, such as memory, problem-solving skills, and overall intellect. It can influence a character's proficiency in certain skills, such as Arcana, History, and Investigation, and can also affect a character's ability to learn and use spells or other forms of magic.

  • AWARENESS - Perception measures a character's ability to detect and interpret sensory information, such as sights, sounds, and smells, and can be used to notice hidden objects or creatures, detect traps, or find clues in investigations as well as help to identify potential dangers and opportunities in their surroundings.

  • WILLPOWER - Willpower describes a character's mental strength and fortitude. It also can influence a character's ability to resist mental and emotional effects such as fear, charm, or mind control. Characters with high willpower scores are often more resistant to manipulation and persuasion and can be valuable assets in situations where mental strength is required.

  • PRESENCE - Presence is an attribute that measures a character's ability to influence and interact with others. It encompasses traits such as charm, confidence, and social skills, and can be used to persuade, intimidate, or negotiate with NPCs or other player characters. A high Presence score can be particularly useful for characters who rely on their Presence to achieve their goals, such as bards or paladins, and can also influence certain skills, such as Deception, Performance, and Persuasion.

From these Primary Abilities, your Derived or Secondary Attributes are based on a combination of them.


Derived or Secondary Attributes are based on your primary attributes. The results of these attributes are dependent on your scores and they adjust as your primary attributes improved.

  • HEALTH POOL - Hit points (HP) are a measure of a character's physical and mental resilience, representing their overall health and well-being, and are used to track how much damage a character can take before becoming incapacitated or killed, with a character's hit points being determined by their class, level, and Physique score. Starting Health Pool = 1d10 + Strength Bonus + Physique Bonus Health Per Level = 1d10 + Physique Bonus + Strength Bonus

  • ENERGY POOL - "Energy points" is a term used to represent the cost of using certain abilities, powers, or actions, with each ability or action typically having a cost associated with it, and characters can only use abilities or actions if they have enough energy points available. Starting Energy Pool = 1D10 + Willpower Bonus + Physique Bonus Energy Per Level = 1 + Physique Bonus + Willpower Bonus

  • ACTION UNITS - Action Units are a resource that governs the actions a player can take during a turn. At the start of each turn, the player's units are given a certain number of Action Units that can be used to move, attack, use abilities, or perform other actions. Each action has a different cost in Action Units, and the player must carefully manage their resources to ensure that they are using their units as effectively as possible. Action Units = 5 + Agility Bonus + Awareness Bonus

  • REACTION - Reaction measures a character's ability to react quickly and effectively to unexpected events, and is used in various situations where a character needs to dodge, parry, or react quickly to avoid harm or accomplish a task. In game mechanics terms, Reaction is often used to determine a character's Initiative score, which determines the order in which they act in combat or other situations where quick reflexes are important. Reaction = Agility Bonus + Intellect Bonus

  • RECOVERY - this is a measure of how much Energy a player can recover per turn. To recover energy, a character has to take an action to do a Recover action. It also determines how much Health a character can recover per day that they rest.





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