To ensure that the game's economy will be balanced, there are several ways for players to be incentivized to NOT payout with their in-game cryptocurrencies. The list below are just some of the initial methods by which the player is encouraged to spend them in-game to improve their characters and improve their gameplay experience.

  • TRAINING FEES - to level up, a character has to pay a trainer to level him up which has a cost

  • LEARNING FEES - to learn or upgrade new skills and abilities, a character has to pay a trainer to learn these new abilities and skills.

  • ITEM REPAIR - all items deteriorate with use and time. to keep them pristine and at their best, it requires the payment for repair fees or you can repair them yourself with materials.

  • CRAFTING FEES - all crafting costs in-game use either Barter Units or Gray Coins directly.

  • ITEM UPGRADES COSTS - to upgrade items need materials and crafting fees

  • CONSUMABLE PURCHASES - to survive in game, characters are encouraged to purchase consumable items such as ammunition, potions, ointments, explosives, etc which all translates to spending the in-game currency.

  • EQUIPMENT PURCHASES - One can simply buy new gear and these costs a lot of currency in-game or crypto.

  • SELLING FEES - Whenever a character sells an item to a merchant, it is discounted.

  • MARKETPLACE LISTING - when a character wants to list his NFT on the internal marketplace, the marketplace takes as a fee a percentage of the item sale price.

  • ITEM BREAKDOWN - an NFT item can be burned and broken down into materials which can be used for crafting. These materials are normally used to upgrade or build new items. More powerful items require many materials which in turn requires more items being broken down.

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